28 thoughts on “Charlie – Photos and Videos”

  1. “Charlie – Photos and Videos | 1st Battalion 4th Marines Association” really got myself hooked with ur web page!
    I personally definitely will be back much more frequently.
    Thanks -Franklyn

  2. Hi ,Long time since the Nam (1967) .I was a machine gunner (weapons platoon). I joined Charlie Co in Okinawa in Nov 66.We sailed to the Phillippenes for BLT operations during the month of Feb.Our last landing was Operation Beacon Hill in the DMZ. It was pretty tough.We fought from Gio Lin to Con Thien. Their were many operations during the year.My last big one was Operation Granite. During my tour we lost good Marines but we kicked much NVA ass.To this day I don’t know how I survived. I guess it was the good Lord and good Marines around me. I think about it everyday(50years) but it seems like yesterday.God bless all who are still living.

    1. Just read your Email. I was a corporal with Charlie Company. It was my 2nd tour in Nam. We we were operating around the mountains in, on or near the DMZ. We walked into an NVA ambush. I was struck twice by gunfire. As with you I live with those thoughts daily. Last year some 12 men in my squad had a small reunion in Vagas. What a great time. Stories were told that I had since forgot. But we have decided to meet every other year at some other part of the country. I would love to have some of your in country pictures since most of mine were lost in a empty returned sea bag. In advance- thanks for considering. Sgt. Jim Feagler USMC 1964-1969

    2. Hi Greg, Glad you made it back, i came to C company july 67, i made it back as well. i use to live across the street from your sister in Germantown, I now live in Fort Worth, Tx

    3. Hi Greg, I was the 2nd. squad leader of 1st. platoon from Nov. 66 till I rotated back stateside in Jun. of 67. Experienced many firefights, lead several ambushes and patrols. You may remember that on the morning of Good Friday (Mar. 24th.) I was returning to the lines with my squad from the previous nights ambush when we spotted the NVA lining up on the road to attack our company. Hell of a firefight that morning lasting three or four hours. I lost three fine Marines that morning. Later that day was when Lt. Housh was killed chasing after the bad guys. Then of course, we experienced Easter Sunday (Mar. 26th.) and its devastation. I lost another Marine in that fight.

      1. I was the Corpsman when Lt. Housh was killed by a VC in a two ended hole in a rice paddy dyke Lcpl Hubbard was also killed! I remember Lt. Housh’s shot jammed and would not eject the shell . That was one my worst days in Vietnam. Lt. Housh was the best I was ever with.

        1. I was so surprised to see this posting. I was with Lt. Housh when he was killed, also. I was a squad leader for awhile, then Thomas McGeever took over. I was in weapons platoon – rockets. Hope you are doing well.

        2. I was with Lt. Housch when he was killed, too. I was squad leader for a while until Thomas McGeever took over. l was in weapons platoon. Housh was like a dad to us guys. I found out in recent years that Lt. Rumsey and his squad were up the hill from us and when we put up smoke, they came to get us. He was very sorry to see Housh was dead since they were very good friends. We keep in touch with Rumsey and several of other guys from 1/4. We went out to California for Lt. Diebert’s funeral a couple of years ago. You probably know these names.

    4. My dad was there 66-67 he spoke little about this but I read your message and this is his people. He spoke of Beacon hill, Con Thien, Gio Lin. Thank you all for your service.

  3. my father CHARLES E. CARROLL served with 1st Bn 4th MAR 3rd mar div, Charlie co. VIETNAM 1967. sadly he past away Jan 29th,2016. he was laid to rest in fort bassinger cemetary, Okeechobee, Florida. I know he had many BROTHERS whom he served and bled with, and he was proud of his service and the BROTHERS he served with, as are his children. THANK YOU ALL!!!!! Charles S. Carroll

    1. Your father and I were together when he got shot. I got to see him in Ohio a number of years ago at our first reunion.

  4. i knew donny heylin who served in charley 1-4 i know he knew larry douglas ect he was from norwood mass.= passed away there””he did annother tour in the “”NAM”” semper_ fi richy mccolgan

  5. I was there in December of 1976 Charlie co we relieved the guys that were in the mayaguez incident went to korea for operation beacon cherry ,was on the uss Okinawa ,went to the phillippines then to Australia crossed decksto the uss Tripoli participated in operation kanganroo 2 went back to the phillipines then back to Okinawa shook hands with the marine camendant of the marine corp general wilson

  6. Hi Fred Boney delta 14 6869 anybody out there was an operation purple Martin 69 Delta company

    1. I was there for the last part of it…Delta 1/4 1st platoon…arrived in country early April 1969….I have posted photos from my time there

  7. I wasnt assigned Cco 1/4 until 1/31/71 white beach Blue beach oki then embarked on uss dubugue 8/19/71 to subic bay and nam then transfer to japan.11/15/71 and on to Gitmo Bay6/72.But beleive me I was there to support all who had gave little,and some that gave it all

    1. I served with H&S Co and 1st Platoon Co C from April-June 1969. I commanded 1st Platoon Co C for three weeks in April 69 and then as Bn Motor Transport Officer until July 69..Transferred to Co C, 3d Motor Transport Bn and served with Battalion 2/9 until March 1970. Had the good fortune to attend 1st Platoon Co C, 1st Bn/4th Marine in 2019 hosted by Sgt Harold Wilson. Served with fantastic Marines.

  8. Served in Charlie Co/ Weapons Plt. Vietnam 1965-1966. Interested to hear from those who served around this time.

  9. This picture is LZ Loon, June 5, 6, 1968. I survived with Rick Everington, Mike Munro, and others.

    Jerry Felty

  10. I was in Charlie Co. from may 7th 1965 till about april 2nd 1966 ( B Co. 1stbn 3rd marines) then….Vietnam I can’t believe it’s over57 years ago!!! Any body that was with me back then , I’d love to hear from you…352 307 0204 or 352 553 9237

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