2016 Agenda

Reunion Agenda
17-21 August 2016
Sturbridge, Ma.

Sturbridge Host on Cedar Lake
366 Main St
Sturbridge, Ma 01566
Phone: (508) 347-7393 – Fax: (508) 347-3824
Make reservations in the name of: 1st Battalion 4th Marines Association

Registrations must be received by: 27 July 2015

Group Room Rates are: $100.00 per night. Smoking and Non-Smoking Room Available

Rates or for two days before and two day after reunion. Reservations can be made by phone above or online below.

Hotel Registration

Important news:

Those flying into the Reunion, we ask that you try to fly into the Logan Airport.  Once on the ground walk out of the terminal and catch the Express Bus to Framingham, Ma.  It will cost $12.00 for the trip.  Once at that terminal a Hotel Van will be waiting for you or you can contact the hotel to let us know you’re at Framingham.

Contact Peter Cignarella – cigsemperfi67@aol.com – 617-775-0410 / Neil Downey – iggybearbedo@yahoo.com – 413-593-9126 for information.

If you fly into Bradley International you will have to come into the reunion at you own expense.

17 August – Registration & Meet & Greet (Hotel Lobby) Dinner on your own, with many fine dining opportunities for every budget. Hospitality Suite will also have plenty of food and drink available.

18 August – Thursday- Free Day- Hospitality Suite will be open-vast expanse of grounds plus lake-side beach- “Olde Sturbridge Village”, a reproduction of a Colonial New England Village, with re-enactors and exhibitions of Labor and Crafts from that time period (18thc) Across the road from the Hotel

 1 May 2016 – Reunion Agenda Update
The Basketball Hall of Fame and Springfield Armory – These tours are pending on participation. Please contact Neil Downey or Peter Cignarella for details. Their contact information is listed on the Reunion Agenda, above.

19 August – Friday Buses to Boston & Seafood Dinner at “The Clam Box”, Quincy. Buses will leave from the Hotel at 10:00 am, for a one hour ride to Boston, (Cost $20.00 per person) you may:
A. Walk about and tour on your own
B. Take advantage of “Olde Towne Trolley Tours” at a cost of $40.00 per person, you may:
a. Stay on the Trolley for a NARRATED Tour
b. Get off and on as you see things that might interest you, such as “Old Ironsides”, or “The Historical District”.
Trolleys come by about every fifteen minutes at each stop. Show your ticket or bracelet at each stop to re-enter the trollies.
C. Take an Amphibious DUCK Tour, which includes both land and water sites, cost per person, $30.00.
Each of the Trollie and Duck tours offer Senior discounts.

At 4:00 pm, we will meet back where the Buses dropped us off to go to Quincy for a fish dinner at a cost of $20-25.00 per person.  Senior discounts are in order.
We will return to the Hotel for 1830

20 August – Saturday- Association & Auxiliary Meetings in The Hotel- BBQ in the evening at Leonide J. LeMire VFW Post 6055 in Southbridge, MA (Transportation will be provided for those in need of same. Post is less than 5 Miles from Hotel)
Day’s Schedule as Follows:
10:00 am – Association Meeting & Auxiliary Meeting
Held in Separate large rooms.
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own and Free Time
3:30-4:00 pm – Start heading over to VFW for the following:
5:00 pm -Posting of The Colors & Service Flags
5:15 pm – Blessing by Chaplain and commence Dinner *
6:30 pm – Reading of Poem followed by Our Speaker for the evening, Author and Survivor of “LOON”, Jack McLean
7:30 pm – Auction
9:00 pm – Retire the Colors and return to Hotel.

21 August – Good-Byes until next year

*BBQ, Chicken, Ribs, Brisket, and three side dishes at $22.00 per person

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