30 thoughts on “Delta – Photos and Videos”

    1. Just wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. I was with delta 1st Val 4th marine in name was on the loon got in country may 26 1968

  1. my father was George R Hoffman, he was in weapons. he passed away in 1988. I would like to talk to any one that knew him

    Michael Hoffman

    1. I knew you Dad,
      He was a machine gunner in 2nd Platoon, Delta Co. He was a short guy, but tough and very reliable. He had a permanent 5 o’clock shadow. He could shave in the morning and within the hour, it would start growing back.
      Most of our gunners were your Dad’s size. Humping the big M-60 around the jungle made them mean. He was one of a two gunners in my squad and both were good.
      Sorry to hear about his passing. I would liked to have seen him again.

  2. Does anyone remember Ben Kenison, 2nd Plt, Delta. His brother, Jim, and I (cousin) would like to stop by the reunion and talk to marines who knew him. KIA 9/16/66.
    Navy Cross recipient. I’m a Delta 1/1 Marine.

    R. Natt King

    1. does anyone know lcpl william edward perry? 3rd division 1st batalion 4th marines a company he was killed in mortor attack in con thien quang tri province….Really Miss Him …He Was My Cousin……Thank’s….

  3. My thanks to Thomas Puskarich Delta Company 1st battalion 4th Marines 3rd Marine Division for posting all those photos. Great job on all you did. Can’t say how many memories they have brought to light. Not sure if you remember Charlie Miller or me,Dave Myers,radio operator and Miller was my shadow and best friend. Always seem to be in the thick of things together and we had each others back. We made it Okinawa and were with 1/9 until we went back to the world in March 1970. I lost track of everybody until seeing your photos online,what a shock that was. Any information on him or others please drop me a line…..Thanks

    1. Hello Myers

      I hope you recall me. Last Ramirez. I remember old Reed. How is he doing, I hope he’s find. I have a photo of both of you, as we were humping along a mountain ridge line, I believe you got a toy rabbit strapped to your helmet.

      If you would like, I will send you a photo copy of it. Just provide with your address.

      Well, it’s know you’re doing, and Thomas did good the photo documentary.

      1. So good to hear from you….yes, I do remember you. You nickednamed me ,el condo blanco, when I was on point and Sgt Pickett chewed me out for making the trail to small in the elephant grass and he could not go through. Still trying to find Charlie Miller…stay safe and well my brother

      2. It was great hearing your response. All is well with me and I hope the same for you and family …. I would enjoy hearing back from you and would like to see those pics. Thanks again A Ramirez….el conejo blanco

        1. Not sure if you read this…but recently took all photos and plotted daily movements on map along with music from the ra and made slide show… interested?

      3. Ramirez, always good to hear from you. My address is
        192 Cheyenne Trail
        Pipe Creek, Tx. 78063
        830 688 0773.

    2. Not sure if you read this…but recently tok all photos and plotted daily movementson map along with music from the ra and made slide show… interested?

  4. june 6 ,1968 was an operation called L Z LOON. “charlie company is having a reunion in North Carlino around june 1 2017. there may be Marines there that knew your brother

  5. Hello David Bobbitt I’m carroll bertram d-1-4 Kaneohe in 1963 then to chu lai 1965

    I’m interested in any of our fellow troops living or not please if you can help me to

    To do so. I did find 2 lt Jim secrist , one of my platoon cmdr who retired col secrist. Thank you and Prayers for all our troops

  6. Hey David bobbitt, carroll bertram again, I forgot ? My other contacts with
    D-1-4 Marines David Barton my pal, boot camp all the way thru discharge
    after chu psi St pendelton

    Also sgt maj Allen Kellogg MOH

    PROCTER who lives 50 miles from me in Missouri

    1. Thurman, Sorry for the delay to your email. I have finally retired from the U.S. Dept of State.
      I will load all the photos that I have from my time in Chu Lai in 65 and if you want I have some photos from Kaneohe . to a thumb drive and send them to you if that is okay.
      I remember Kellogg when he was a cpl and was always borrowing money to work on his 58 chevy
      Ed Pankowski Delta 1/4 MG Weapons Plt.

  7. First of all – thanks for the great web site, It has provided a lot of good information in my research.

    My uncle was LCPL Vincent “Moe” Agius a machine gunner in Delta Company from Janesville WI. He was WIA on Apr 9, 1967 5km East of Hill 158 and later passed away Apr 17, 1967 at Clark Air Base. I am looking for anyone who remembers him that wouldn’t mind sharing stories, pictures, etc.

    I believe I found the section of the action report for the action my uncle was wounded in:


    Maybe this will jog someone’s memory.

    1. Some additional information: On the day my uncle was wounded, the corpsman was James Greenough, and one of the other WIA was Verne Beelard. I recently contacted James and several years ago my mother connected with Verne.

  8. LZ Sitting Duck – The Fight for FSB Argonne Delta 1/4
    – by John Arsenault, LtCol, USMC (ret) Thomas Gourneau, USCG Pages: 272 Dimensions: 6 x 9 – BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY – Military – HISTORY – Military – Vietnam War – Type : Paperback – ISBN : 9781662813139 – Price : $16.49 – Type : Dust Jacket – ISBN : 9781662813146 – Price : $31.49

  9. David

    Not sure if you will get this but,

    Since I carried the radio after you, i compiled all my photos, along with a map of our daily activities set to music on a flashdrive. If interested i could send you a copy.

    Tom Puskarich

  10. Tom, so good to hear from you and hope all is well with you and family. Please send me a copy, I would really appreciate that. Thank you for all the photos you you put together for 1/4 Delta
    David Myers

  11. Hi Dave
    I will get it together sometime this week and mail it out.

    Hope all is well with you and the family.

    Address is
    113 Bradford Lane
    Madison WI 53714-2307

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