6 thoughts on “Bravo – Photo and Videos”

  1. I will be attending the reunion and attending the Parade at PI, I just got on web site this afternoon, but made my reservation for Hotel months ago.

  2. Looking for Marines who served on the USS Thomaston on Westpac 1973 off the waters of Vietnam on our way to Cambodia. Searching for Marine Tony Garcia who was with Bravo Co.

  3. My grandfather served in 1st Bn. 4th Marines in Vietnam but don’t see his name on any pictures. He recently passed and I wanted to find pictures – did you guys go by aliases in the field?

  4. Looking for Marines that landed in Chu Lai Vietnam, 7 May 1965. We came from Okinawa after 3 months of jungle warfare training on the USS Princeton.

    Jose J Alonzo San Antonio Tx 210 422 8248 Bravo Company, 1st Batt, 4th Marines

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