Military Records Center Fire

The True Facts About

The Veterans Administration has used the “Burned in the Kansas City fire” excuse for failure to obtain your records. Other government resources has been known to do the same, but here is the truth.

No USMC or USN records were destroyed.
All records are basically pre Viet Nam era.

If you have been told this by any Veterans or Government Agency when attempting to obtain your Service and/or Medical Records, please present these facts to the person concerned:

The personnel, branches of service and dates involved with percentage of destruction are as follows:
Army Personnel discharged November 1, 1912 to January 1, 1960, destroyed 80%
Air Force Personnel discharged September 25, 1947 to January 1, 1964*, destroyed 75%
*Air Force with names alphabetically after Hubbard, James E

2 thoughts on “Military Records Center Fire”

    1. The records center is in St Louis, Mo. The fire happened at the old building located at 9700 Page Blvd in St Louis. The new building is located at 1 Archives Dr., St Louis, Mo 63138

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