2019 Reunion Meeting Minutes

1st Battalion 4th Marine Association
Meeting at Anchorage, Alaska 18 September 2019
Minutes Submitted by Secretary Glenn Suire

The Association meeting was called to order by President Thurman Moore at 2:15 P.M.   The opening prayer was led by Acting Chaplain Neil “Doc” Downey.

Officers present were President Thurman Moore, Treasurer Jack Kinser,   Secretary Glenn Suire and Acting Chaplain Neil Downey.

A motion was made by Mike LeBlanc and seconded by Richard Brandon to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous Association meeting.  Motion carried.

The financial report was given by Treasurer Jack Kinser.  He reported that before the 2018 reunion we had $5,101.64.  We then took in $5,471.00 before expenses for the Park City reunion.  Before the Anchorage reunion expenses, we had $7,840.40 in the checking account.

Mike LeBlanc made a motion that was seconded by Barry Turlish to accept the treasurer report.  Motion carried.

Thurman Moore gave a membership update that was provided by membership chairman Kirk Hauser.   He indicated that we gained 3 new Life members during the year.

Thurman announced that the next reunion would be held at “Shades of Green” in Orlando, Fl.  The dates would be September 7th (Labor Day) to September 11th.  It was recommended that attendees should try to arrive on the 6th.  If an attendee is 100% disabled, he will have to show his military ID to gain entry.   All others will need to show a copy of their DD214.  Thurman offered to assist anyone who did not have a DD214 available.

Chuck Edmonds suggested that anyone needing more information about “Shades of Green” could go to their web site (Shadesofgreen.org) or they could call 888-593-2242.

All food and beverages must be purchased from the hotel.

When making reservations we should mention the 1st Battalion 4th Marine Regiment 2020 Reunion.

Mike Munroe is the host chairman.  Harold McGuire has offered to assist Mike.

Thurman Moore said that at the 2020 reunion we will need to hold an election of officers.  All positions will be open, and Moore indicated that he will not be a candidate.

Officers elected will take over the following January 1st, 2021.

Jesse Villenueva gave a report on the Yakima, Washington reunion that he will host in 2021.

A discussion was held concerning the large variety of shirts that have been offered for our reunions. Steve Jones made a motion, seconded by Ron Burgholzer, that we offer shirts without pockets except for the button down shirts. Motion carried.

Chuck Edmonds made a motion, seconded by Mark Kruzick, to make the colors of the shirts for the next reunion sky blue.   Motion carried.   It was suggested that the flag of the host state should be placed on the sleeves.   Mark Kruzick made a motion, seconded by Bobby Keith, that we offer only two shirts, the short sleeve cotton and the button down.  Motion carried.

Chuck Edmonds made a motion, seconded by Bob McMahon, to add $5.00 to the cost of all shirts to cover shipping.  Motion carried.

Chuck Edmonds made a motion, seconded by Mike LeBlanc, that we ask the women if they would like a shirt with their own design.  Motion carried. Thurman Moore said he would contact Diana Escamilla for her input.

Mark Kruzick provided challenge coins for the Anchorage reunion that were a big hit with the attendees.  Bob McMahon made a motion, seconded by Mike LeBlanc, that we have challenge coins made for each future reunion with a limit of 100.   Motion carried. Mark Kruzick volunteered to make arrangements for acquiring the new coins.

Glenn Suire made a pitch to host the 2022 reunion in Lafayette, Louisiana.   He then made a motion, seconded by Mark Kruzick, to hold the reunion in Lafayette.  Motion carried.

Mark Kruzick made a motion, seconded by Mike LeBlanc, to adjourn.   Motion carried.

Meeting ended at 3:25.

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