After Action – Reports -1969

1st Battalion 4th Marines

After Action Reports
January to October 1969

January February March April
May June July August
September October

If you have any information to add, contact Thurman Moore

6 thoughts on “After Action – Reports -1969”

  1. CounteroffensivePhaseVII 1july1970 to 30june1971, campaigns
    ConsolidationI 1july1971 to 30nov 1971,uss Dubugue docked DaNang Mar1970 exposed agent orange deployed to west pac Vietnam Jan 1971 to Jan 1974

  2. I was part of the first assault on LZ Argone. They were dug in and waiting for us, it was like a turkey shoot. The battle plan was all wrong. The officers were given a schematic of the foxholes that were previously dug, but they had been filled in by carpet bombing. We deployed to the holes that were reported to there, what a joke. Misinformation cost several lives that day, in other words, it was a cluster
    Flock, to be polite. Herschel, dooly, Sgt. Roy, squid, Quincy, we were all there.
    In my tour of 365 days my two weeks on this LZ were the worst 14 days of my life. And I am now 73 years old

  3. I was in full support of all my brothers and sisters, the V.A records research employees are not able to locate documents in support of claims for blue water navy Vietnam veterans so their decision is to keep on denial.

    I didn’t make it off The ship USS Dubugue but we were coming , Nixon ended it.

  4. sometime around 2018 I was paruzzin govt websites collecting data for a VA claim ( I am Gulf War Vet) and I came across a site that had the actual Marine Corps “after action reports” (I was looking for them as my Dad was with H&S 1/4 from about Aug 68 to Oct 69. Just curious does the admin of this site know about the available info? I can try to dig it up again if you’re interested, please advise.

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