6 July 1965

Period covered 010001H to 312359 July 1965

Commanding Officer Lt/Col R. J. Perrich

Executive Officer Major Romano

Company A (Rein) Capt. R. E. Theer

Company B (Rein) Capt. R. B. Alexander

Company C (Rein) Capt. L. A. Crouch

Company D (Rein) Capt. R. M. Sweeney

Company H&S (-) (Rein) Lt. K. R. Valley

Lt. M. L. Chang 1-20 July

1st Plt, Co. C, 3rd Tk Bn Lt. G. D. Rose

1st Plt, Co. B, 3rd AT Bn Lt. A. G. Anderson

Subject: After Action report, Battalion (-) Operation 6 July 1965

Units Involved:

Company A

2nd & 3rd Plts (Rein)

81 FO Team

7 LVT’s, 1st Plt, B AmTracs

Company B (Rein)

Arty FO Team

81 FO Team

Two Popular Forces Plts

Company D (Rein)

Arty FO Team

81 FO Team

Two PF Plts

Battalion Tank Element A-1

1st Plt (Rein) Co A, 1st Bn 4th Marines

1st Plt, B Engineers

3 LVt’s, 1st Plt, B AmTracs

Heavy Section, 1st Plt, B Anti-Tank Co.

Battalion Command Group

FAC Team

Arty FO Team

1 Sqd PF

Place: Peninsula centered at GC 445110




Commencing at 051915H, 1st Plt (rein), Co. A departed their positions on Hill 51 (529110) and moved by LVT’s around to Ky Xuan Island, landing at GC 479107 at 2015. Two squad sized patrols were conducted to hamlets at 483117, 483104 and 487095. At GC 482098 one patrol heard approximately 15 shots fired in vicinity of 479098 but could not locate muzzle blasts. Incident occurred at 052345H.

At 060430H, 1st Plt, Co. A departed their patrol base at 479106, moved south along Ky Euan Island and crossed over to Route #1 at 477086, moved up Route #1 and secured landing zones at GC 445093 and 439098 for the helo landing of Companies B and D.

Commensing at 060700H, Co. B landed in LZ at 459098 and Co. D at 445093. The two companies promptly formed on line with two platoons up, tying in at GC 443096. Two Popular Force Plts proceeded the two rifle companies in the sweep north across the peninsula, accomplishing the actual handling of local nationals. Co. A (-) disembarked at 060705H from 7 LVT’s at GC 459117 and set up a blocking position vicinity 457118. Five LVT’s became bogged sown in the mud and the remaining two commenced a waterborne patrol around the perimeter of peninsula.

At 060800H, six individuals were encountered …………. from the PF Plts towards prepared positions at 495118, Co A(-) took them under fire, killing 2 and capturing 4. Four weapons were subsequently found at 459118.

The two company sweep was completed at 061030H, resulting in pickup of over 100 civilians, of whom 56 were detained as VCS and evacuated to the Regimental collection point. During the sweep one VC body was discovered vicinity GC 444106 and two at 454110.

Upon completion of the sweep Co. A assembled up at GC 460110 and commenced sweep on line WNW to northwest portion of peninsula capturing 4 VCS, while Cos. B and D searched back to sand dunes at 439109 and 443105. At approximately 061500H, Co A swept back in an easterly direction to establish LZ at 451115, while Cos. B and D swept north again to be helo lifted out after 061600H. Co A then moved out for assembly area at 459118 and embarked aboard LVT’s at 061915H for return to defensive positions.

Earlier in the morning at 060900H, 1st Plt, Co A with 3 LVT’s, engineers, Popular Forces and heavy section of Ontos, conducted search of village at GC 434091. Total of 13 women and children were picked up and released and 3 tunnels were blown. Six armed personnel were spotted in houses at 438093 was then conducted. One Marine was wounded in brief fire fight with 3 VC at 428092. Fifteen women and children were picked up in village and subsequently released. Three well constructed bunkers were blown by engineers. Units withdrew at 1600 to LVT’s at GC 429089 for return to company positions.