A. Significant Events
1. During June the Battalion maintained positions in the Phu Bai Vital area and the Battalion Area of Responsibility. Platoon and squad outposts were maintained on Hills 180 and 225 respectively. The Battalion’s Combined Action Company maintained positions in hamlets around the enclave.
2. Resupply to Hill 225 was accomplished by helicopter once each 48-hour period. Average resupply totaled 3,000 pounds. Resupply of all other areas was accomplished by truck.
3. Rehabilitation on fortified positions in the Battalion operating area was initiated and noticeable progress was made.
4. Turn in of excess and unserviceable ammunition, left on position by the unit previously assigned, was affected.
5. During the reporting period, the Battalion was afforded as ‘in kind’ issue, the first in over three months.
B. Supply
1. Class I – 1,400 gallons of water and 447 MCIs were provided daily. ‘A’ and ‘B’ rations were also provided for an average daily strength of 695 personnel.
2. Class II – Re-orders and re-issues of all types of Class II individual and organizational equipment and supplies lost as a result of operations conducted the previous months was commended.
3. Class III – POL consumption consisted of 45 gallons of Diesel; 90 gallons of MOGAS per day; and small quantities of greases and lubes, for operation of organic vehicles and electrical power sources.
4. Class IV – Class IV issued in support of the rehabilitation of fortifications consisted of: 45,000 sandbags, 84 rolls of concertina, and 25 rolls of barbed wire.
5. Class V – A Basic Allowance (B/A) was maintained and procedures for maintaining and storing emergency use ammunition were established.
C. Transportation. Inadequate truck support to meet daily logistical and tactical commitments, to the point where obtaining water and provisions for the mess hall precluded the use of available transportation for any other purposes.
D. Sanitation. No sanitation problems were encountered.
E. Reports Required
1. Dead lined Combat Essential Equipment Report.
2. Ammunition Expenditure Report.
3. Yankee/Zulu Report.