Medical/Dental Affairs
- The total number of patients treated at the Battalion Aid Station during the month of July was 746. Of these 49 were referred to Company A, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Marine Division for further treatment, and 7 were admitted there for further treatment. There were 42 admissions to the Battalion Aid Station during the month. Dental referrals numbered 78.
- Prevalent and significant disease encountered during the month were:
- Bronchitis 1
- Diarrhea 8
- Respiratory infection, acute 8
- Gastroenteritis 11
- Gonorrhea 13
- Malaria 1
- Emergency situations encountered this month were as follows:
- PFC S. M. CAMPBELL, 2172173 was brought to the BAS on 20 July 1966. He had suffered a gunshot wound of the chest. Death was instantaneous and he was pronounced dead by the Medical Officer at 0445.
- CPL M. W. MODISPAW, 2026336 was brought to the BAS on 24 July 1966. He had suffered a gunshot wound of the left thigh as a result of an accidental discharge of his weapon. He was given emergency treatment and transferred to Company A, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Marine Division.
- There were approximately 200 inoculations administered during the month. Tuberculosis vaccine for screening tests is on requisition but has not been received.
- Vietnamese civilian treatment in the CAC villages totaled 5,831 people treated and a total number of 6,421 treatments rendered. This was an increase of 2,555 people treated from the previous month.
- Biologicals are now being kept in a personally owned refrigerator in the BAS. A fuel-operated refrigerator is still on request from supply but has not been received.