9 April 1967
Marine Corps Matters
Addendum to Combat After Action Report Operations Beacon Hill I, 20 March through 1 April 1967.
Air Support
Difficulties were encountered in obtaining helicopters due to the fact that Air Control was maintained afloat. In several instances it was impossible for the Air Liaison team to contact the controlling agency. This is considered to be a major problem area. One example is an emergency med-evac, which required one hour and 25 minutes to be completed, as a result of communication/coordination problems. The SACC provided little if any useful support during the operation and generally caused excessive delays due to its inability to maintain radio contact with the Battalion. The Battalion used a MRC-87 radio and had completely satisfactory communications with all other stations on all other nets. During the 48-hour period that helicopter control was exercised through Division Air, no problems of this nature were encountered.
Administrative Matters
Problems were encountered with the system used to request helicopters. The helicopters were initially based aboard the LPH, and this required the BLT S-4 to send requests to the BLT TAC-Log aboard the LPH. The BLT S-4 was then required to order the resupplies from the LSA and request that they be staged for pick up by the helicopters based aboard the LPH. Exact times for pick up could not be given to the LSA due to fast moving tactical situation of the units. On one occasion four helicopters from SLF squadron arrived on the LSA to pick up resupply and found other helicopters on the position. Coordination was poor between the SLF squadron, the Division Air Officer, and the LSA. The situation was complicated due to the fact that the LSA was supporting several battalions at this time. Early morning and late evening, ground fog reduced the available flying time and this, together with the time needed for coordination between the assigned helicopter squadron, the Division Air Officer, the LSA and the Battalion S-4, caused three of the rifle companies to miss resupply on D+1. On several occasions the helicopters aboard the LPH were grounded due to fog conditions at sea while ashore there was no fog. It is recommended, that in future operations helicopters from SLF squadrons that are in direct support of the BLT be located, if possible, at the supply source; in this instance the LSA, at Dong Ha.