Training Week 1 – USS Mayaquez Rescue , 5-31 May 1975



1st Battalion, 4th Marines

3rd Marine Division (-) (Rein), FMF

FPO San Francisco 96602

BnBul 1500


2 May 1975




From:              Commanding Officer

To:                   Distribution List


Subj:               Battalion Training Schedule for week of 4 May to 10 May 1975


Ref:                (a)      DivO   P1500.3B

(b)       DivO   P3573.3

(c)       BnO    1500.2C

(d)       MCO   1510.25

(e)       BnBul  1500 dtd 22 Jan 1975

Encl:              (1)      Training Schedule for 1st Battalion (-), 4th Marines

  • Training Schedule for Company ‘C’


  1. Purpose. To publish Battalion training schedule for the week of 4 May to 10 May 1975.
  2. Background. Reference (a) directs that each unit publish a weekly training schedule.   Reference (b) provides guidance and a general syllabus of training.
  3. Action
  4. Company Commanders will be guided by the provisions of reference (c) and this bulletin in the conduct of training in the Battalion.
  5. Company Commanders are reminded of the importance attached to the implementation of reference (d) which requires that all instruction be accompanied by lesson plans. All lesson plans, essential data sheets, and attendance rosters except those associated with officers/SNCO training will be maintained at the Company level.
  6. Company Commanders are reminded of the provisions of reference (d) which requires previously planned collateral training in the event of inclement weather. Reference (a) provides an inclement weather training schedule to be used as necessary.
  7. Training Highlights.
  8. Evacuation Operations         5-7 May          Company ‘C’
  9. Embarkation Operations      6-7 May          1st Bn (-)
  10. Battalion Commanders Barracks Inspection         9 May- 1st Bn (-)
  11. Battalion Hike            10 May 1975
  12. Safety. Training Safety is of paramount importance and must be measured carefully against the desire and requirements for realism. Prevention of untimely death or serious injury must be of primary concern during training.
  13. Self-Cancellation. 31 May 1975.


C.A.    Shaver

By direction


This page last corrected 11 September 2011