Hill #22 – 1965

Hill #22

26 June 1965

Landed at cords 427086 at 0730.  Bravo Co. followed by scout team made sweep starting at cords 427087.  At cords 426086 there were foxholes on path at approx 20 foot intervals.  These holes are on path all the way around Hill #22.  They are well dug in.  At cords 428087 there are foot traps and punji sticks.   They are scattered and camouflaged.  (not recent).  Punji sticks are scattered on the Southern side of the hill at cords 426087 there are scattered holes which are covered or vegetation has grown over and steel or bamboo junji sticks are sticking up from the bottom.

At cords 423088 – 427090 there is a barbed wire fence with punji sticks around it.  Some foot traps.  At cords 424089 – 426088 there is a bamboo fence.  There is  lookout post at cords 427087.  Look out post at cords 428091.

There is a possible minefield at cords 424089.  Also fresh graves at these same cords.

At cords 423092 foxholes at 20 ft intervals along path.  West side of hill is not well fortified.

No caves of any large size (deeper than 5 or 6 feet).  These were blown out with demolitions.

Communication trench along trail at cords 425093 leads into village cords 427093.  At cords 424091 – 426093 communication trench.  There is a lot of vegetation in this trench.

Top of hill is not fortified.  There are many hidden trails leading from villages to foxhole along trail 420 – 430093.  There are hidden trails at cords 424089.

There is high vegetation 6’ to 8’ high all over Hill #22.

Positions do not look like they have been used recently.

Did not see many people in villages.  Scouts saw four people.  The rest of the villages were practically abandoned.  There are also many bee hives in area of Hill #22.

One 60mm mortar round was found at cords 425093 just off path.

Possible booby trap at cords 426087.

Two men were captured as possible suspects at cords 422093.  One man did not have ID.  They were brought back to S-1.

1530 returned to CP.