Debriefing – 22 June 1965


Results of conference with Mr. Cam, village Chief of Ky Ha. 

22 June 1965 

Agreed that; 

1.                  Beaches vic GC 537100, GC 520120 and GC 534092 are unrestricted for use during daylight hours. 

2.                  Only beach at GC 528120 will be used during hours of darkness. 

3.                  Fires will be built on beach at night. 

4.                  that boats coming within 200 mtrs. Of Coast between GC 535090 and GC 528119 will be warned by a shot.  (Request more than a small weapon be used).  If boat does not change direction either laterally with coast or away from coast, the craft will be fired upon. 

Mr. Cam requested; 

1.                  Junk Navy blockade all motor boat craft form the South, Quang Ngai and Binh Son.  Water infiltration will be used by VC coming into Ky Ha. 

Canoes will be with Nr. Kghi, 231500H