Training Conducted – June 1965


Training Conducted 


  1. Orientation/Indoctrination lectures conducted for all newly joined Marines.  All the S-sections join in the briefings which cover: past and present operations, map orientation, safety rules, orders and regulations, mission, units involved, dispositions, etc.
  2. There has been no formal GMSP Training.  On the job training has been the rule.  Practical applications has most often been the teaching vehicle, with command emphasis placed on critiques/reviews.
  3. Formal training is not practical at this time.  Because of the many commitments for security, working parties, and operations; and the lack of class room type facilities, only squad size formal training could possibly be conducted.

D Tank and Ontos training has been conducted along with live firing exercises. 

  1. Machine Gun and automatic weapons firing has been conducted by several companies.