Intel Report – 29 June 1965


Attention: ITT and CI Regt 

29 June 1965 

Woman approached L/Cpl. Dixon’s machine gun position and would not leave.  She acted sick, bite her tongue often, pointed at white scarf around her head and gold chain with red packet on it around her neck.  She was wearing a blue blouse, black pajama pants.  She had a picture of another woman in a purse which she put in the sand and covered up.  This woman acted sick all the time.  I tried to find out what she wanted, she pointed to the helo’s that flew over like she wanted in them or something.  Enclosed is some writing she wrote on three pieces of paper.  I personally think she wanted to take on all hands, at a price.  Please advise on this.  She was young and fair looking. 


  1. L. McElyea


Interrogation Report of Sgt Mcelyea, ‘B’ Co. 1/4 

1.                  Woman of approx. 16 – 20 years came to ‘B’ Co machine gun position vicinity Regt Point (BT 532083) @ 291400.  Clothing of woman was clean, and she did not have the appearance of a field worker. 

2.                  The woman made the sign of a cross on her forehead, touched her cheeks, throat and breasts and then appeared to bite her tongue.  The woman had yellow stains on her hands and neck. 

3.                  As she left, she rolled up her pants leg and pointed at bushes and said ‘OK’.  The woman then left the position.