Briefing – 10 Jun 1965


Debriefing of 1/4 Liaison Officer returning from Binh Son afternoon


10 June 1965

104/3 VC Bn CP reported at coord 506964.  90th Bn CP reported at coord 472962.

These Bns are operating closely and it is felt that the 104/3 could possibly be dependent somewhat on the 90th for support.  The 90th Bn has the capability to operate independently.  Movement is North.

Main Force Guerrillas are covering their right flank.  Creating activity to the east to cover the movements of the 104/3 and 90th.

Guerrilla units are presently located:

2 Plts at coord 565929

2 Plts at coord 550915

2 Plts at coord 564915

SOURCE: reported as B-3 – recommending hits.

VC Bn Conference at 101000H at coord 539896, also at 514894 same time.

SOURCE: (unknown)

As of 101200H, 1 VC Co, T-72 of 52d VC Bn, formerly at 690870 moved at 092000H during rain to 653936 – SOURCE reported as B-3.

At coord 646949, a plat of VC Guerrillas serving as outpost and scroungers for the T-72 Co.  SOURCE reported as B-3.

Today, VC will stage a demonstration against Americans for Arty & Air strikes – approx 2000 are expected to take part – demonstrations will commence at 102000H at Thuong Hoa 634973 ending at Son Thanh at 626016 – Drums will be used – Then at approx 102200H, VC will reassemble at 626016.  SOURCE (unknown).

At 621022 – round basket-like boats start fishing at 0700 until 1700 every day – usually one fisherman and one VC guerrilla (hidden) in each basket.  Estimated 20 fishing baskets.  SOURCE: reported as B-2.

Starting 10 June, VC have a main supply road running from 528902 to 512906 to 505912 to 486917.  Workers carry rice, sugar, husks, tobacco and medicine.  Workers leave 554909 and 536894 (villages) at 0500 to start work for supply road – Main supply points 513907, 4×7947.  At points along road, 6-10 VC hide in bushes to avoid air recon.  Road will be used every Mon, Wed, Sat starting at 1530 – VC believe that after 1530, air strikes and OBS A/C will not stay.  They still think we rest on Saturday and Sundays like French.

VC have moved back into villages at 554909 and 536894 because of previous habit of friendly forces not normally bombing or shelling a target a second time (therefore they feel this a safe area).  More information will be gathered and reported to 1/4 concerning this.

The Battalion previously located at coord 545845 have dispersed to avoid air strike.  Now located as follows:  Plat to 530850 near bridge, approx 100 located at 535839 and approx 100 located at 545833.  SOURCE (unknown).

VC sending ranking cadre into 586915 and also 3 cadres to sneak into Binh Son on night of 10 June.  SOURCE (unknown).