Capsule Summary – June 1965


Capsule summary 


  1. Change of Command 1 June
  2. Search and Clear-Battalion (-) (rein) size 6 June
  3. Battalion Displaced 10 June
  4. Established outpost Hill 69 – Road Checkpoint 10 June
  5. Shower Grenade Tragedy 13 June
  6. Ky Xuan Island Sweep 14 June
  7. Showers Reopened 16 June
  8. Mess Hall Reopened 17 June
  9. Outpost Hill 69 Withdrawn 19 June
  10. Deep Well Begun 20  June
  11. Hill 69 Re-outposted 22 June
  12. TAOR Extended 23 June
  13. Company C (-) (rein) Combat Patrol 24 June
  14. Company A (-) (rein) Two Day Patrol Ky Xuan Island 25-26 June
  15. Battalion (-) (rein) Search and Clear Hill 22 26 June
  16. Company C (-) (rein) Sweep and Clear 28 June
  17. 2d Platoon (rein), Co B, 36 Hour Sweep Ky Xuan Is. 30 June
  1. Change of Command 1 June
  2. Search and Clear-Battalion (-) (rein) size 6 June
  3. Battalion Displaced 10 June
  4. Established outpost Hill 69 – Road Checkpoint 10 June
  5. Shower Grenade Tragedy 13 June
  6. Ky Xuan Island Sweep 14 June
  7. Showers Reopened 16 June
  8. Mess Hall Reopened 17 June
  9. Outpost Hill 69 Withdrawn 19 June
  10. Deep Well Begun 20 June
  11. Hill 69 Re-outposted 22 June
  12. TAOR Extended 23 June
  13. Company C (-) (rein) Combat Patrol 24 June
  14. Company A (-) (rein) Two Day Patrol Ky Xuan Island 25-26 June
  15. Battalion (-) (rein) Search and Clear Hill 22 26 June
  16. Company C (-) (rein) Sweep and Clear 28 June
  17. 2d Platoon (rein), Co B, 36 Hour Sweep Ky Xuan Is. 30 June