Charlie Company 31 Dec 65 – December 1965


31 December 1965

Operation Order 228-65


Ref:     (a)        Maps:     Viet Nam, 1:50,000, Sheets 6757 III & IV

Time Zone:            H

Task Organization:

            Company C (-) (rein)

                        Company C (-)

                        Det, H&S Co.

                        FO Team

                        FAC Team


  1. Situation.
  2. Enemy forces.  1st Bn, 4th Marines ISUM 237
  3. Friendly forces.

(1)               Artillery Battalion Group provide support as requested.

(2)               Co B, 3rd Anti-Tank Battalion provides one platoon of Ontos as convoy escort.

(3)               Co A, 1st AmTrac Battalion provide LVT’s as required.

(4)               MAG-36, provide observation aircraft as requested.

(5)               Co B, 3rd Engineer Battalion provides engineer support as requested.

  1. Mission.  Company C (-) (rein) conducts a combat patrol along the southern boundary of Hoa Xuan Island (BT 4315).
  2. Execution.
  3. Concept of operation.  Company C (-) (rein) moves by motor convoy to (BT 417123) crosses the Song Cho River via local boats and conducts a 1000-meter-wide combat patrol along the southern shore of Hoa Xuan Island.  The Company retracts via LVT vicinity (BT 461146).
  4. Coordination instructions.

(1)               D-day 31 December 1965.

(2)               H-hour 0900H.

(3)               R-hour 1500H.

(4)               AO on station 0745H.

(5)               Annex A (Operation/Checkpoint Overlay).

(6)               Rules of engagement no change.

(7)               Attachments effective 0700H.

(8)               Sit Reps every 30 minutes.

  1. Administration and Logistics.
  2. One MCI and two canteens of water per man.
  3. Basic allowance of ammunition.
  4. Command and Communications/Electronics.
  5. Activate TAC Nets at 0700H D-day.
  6. Communication Officer provide AN/PRC-25.
  7. Report CP location as operation progresses.

This page last corrected 18 September 2011