Directive – USS Mayaquez Rescue – 5-31 May 1975



BLT 1/4

3rd Marine Division (-) REIN, FMF

FPO San Francisco, 96602




14 June 1975

(Unclassified Upon Removal of Enclosure (1)

From: Commanding Officer

To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code HD)

Via: (1) Commanding Officer, 31 MAU

(2) Commanding General, III MAF

(3) Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

Subject: Command Chronology for period 5 May to 31 May 1975

Ref: (a) MCO 5750.1D

(b) FMFPacO 5750.8B

(c) DivO 5750.1E

(d) RegtO 5750.1A

Encl: (1) 1st Battalion 4th Marines Command Chronology (Report Symbol MC 5750-06) (C)

1. In accordance with references (a) through (d), enclosure (1) in enclosed.

2. Tab A (USS Mayaguez Operation, Post Exercise Report) to Part IV (Supporting Documents) to be forwarded under separate cover.


copy to: Commanding General, 3rd Marine Division

Commanding Officer, 4th Marines

Classified by CO, 1st Battalion 4th Marines

Declassified 31 June 1979