24 February 2025
Dear Marine or Corpsman,
My name is Glenn Suire, and I am the President for the 1st Battalion 4th Marine Association and served in Vietnam 1968/69 with Delta 1/4.
I am contacting you because our Association records developed by our Past President and Co-Founder Thurman Moore show that you may have served with the 1st Battalion 4th Marines in Vietnam, or you have attended one of our previous reunions. Our organization is celebrating over 25 years of existence. Since our founding we have held annual reunions all over the country. Reunions for 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to Covid concerns. The 2022 reunion was held in Orlando, the 2023 reunion was held in Tulsa and the 2024 reunion was held in Lafayette, La. This letter is to inform you that our next reunion will be held in Goodlettsville, Tn. (near Nashville) 6-10 October 2025. Included in this mailing is a registration form, hotel information, and an agenda. More information about our organization can be found on our web site: https://1stbn4thmarines.com.
Whether you can attend or not we ask that you contact us to update any information we have for you. My personal contact information is printed below.
The 2026 reunion location will be voted on in Goodlettsville. We are always looking for individuals willing to host a reunion in their geographic area. Please consider being a host.
Our reunions are usually held in the August/September/October time frame.
We hope to see you at our upcoming reunion or at one of our future reunions. These reunions are a great way to find lost comrades or to associate with men who share many of the same experiences. We anticipate that there may be a time when we will no longer have reunions. Please consider attending while you can. Wives, girlfriends, and family members are always welcome and offer vital support for our group.
Sincerely yours,
Glenn Suire
2132 Beverly Dr
Abbeville, La 70510
337-893-8164 home
337-523-9222 cell