Logistics – December 1968



  1. Supply.
  2. All Class I was drawn at Vandegrift in support of operations.  The Battalion Mess Hall served ‘R’ rations twice daily at Vandegrift.  While the Battalion was at Cam Lo, the mess hall served at least one hot meal a day.
  3. Class II.  Battalion Supply operating at Quang Tri with FLSG/B as the service of supply.  Class II supply tents remain at Vandegrift to cut the time lost in the transfer of cargo from Quang Tri to Vandegrift.  Shortages in the following items were experienced during this period.
  4. Nozzles, covers (water buffalo)
  5. Holsters, hip .45 cal.
  6. Cleaning gear, lubricants and equipment
  7. Class III.  Class III was adequate at Vandegrift
  8. Class IV.  Class IV was adequate at Vandegrift
  9. Class V.   Class V was adequate at Vandegrift
  10. Transportation
  11. Organic

              T/A                Item         O/H           O/R        NORS           NORM

            51600             M151A1       20            80%             0%              20%

            32040             MRC/38        20            80            100                 20

            32050             MRC/87          1               0                0               100

            22052             MRC/109        2             50                0                 50

            51410             M274A2        30             63                0                 37

            51060             M170               1            100               0                   0

            51030             M107A1           6              33            67                   0

            51090             M37B1             4              75               0                 25

            50240             M355-450        1            100               0                   0

            50140             HPCU               0                 0               0                   0

  1. Maintenance.  The main problem has been 3rd echelon maintenance, a continuing problem due to terrain and road conditions in RVN.  Second echelon maintenance had generally been high within the Battalion.  Several vehicles have been turned into the FLSG/B and from there have gone to 3rd FSR.  They have been gone from the Battalion in some instances for as long as nine months.  This has generally been the case with M274A2’s, M37B1’s and the MRC/109’s.
  2. There has been some problem in obtaining 2nd echelon parts especially for the M274A2 series and such things are carburetors, fan belts and voltage regulators for the M151A1 series.  This problem is partially eliminated by periodically sending a man to Da Nang under the auspices of the Battalion Supply Section.
  3. The ************************************ maintaining two shops, a rear shop at Quang Tri and a forward shop at VCB.

This page last corrected 30 August 2011