May 1965


Casualties Not Reported

May 1965

There were and still are guys who reported their wounds and had no proof of their injuries because of the record keeping in early, mid and late 1965. Because of these errors many Marines were denied awards and/or compensation because of them.

First Battalion Fourth Marines

All Companies

Casualties Alphabetically by Company and Date for May 1965

Name Rank DOB KIA Company AGE Reason Province Marital Status

Bowman, Bickie, Jr    PVT    16 Feb 47    23 May 65    Delta 18    Accident Homicide Quang Tin Single

Name Rank MOS Co Date Died of Wounds

Ragsdell, Robert E    Cpl    3371    H&S    9 May 65
Gaughn, Ronald L    L/Cpl    0311    H&S    10 May 65
Marmon, Terry K    PFC    0100    Alpha    19 May 65
Rivera, Rafael M   L/Cpl    0311    Charlie    25 May 65