- Summary.
The Battalion spent the entire period in the Phu Bai enclave.
- Significant Events.
4 Dec The Advance Party left for Okinawa with the Battalion Executive Officer in charge. All companies and staff Sections were represented.
15 Dec The Battalion embarked for OKINAWA at COCO BEACH, located outside HUE, Republic of Viet Nam.
- Problem Areas/New Developments.
- No critical shortages of personnel exist at this time.
- The Battalion was quartered in Ely Huts throughout the period.
- Personnel.
- Monthly Strength (average chargeable) USMC USN
- Officers 54 7
- Enlisted 1423 83
- Losses. USMC USN
Off/Enl Off/Enl
Battle 0/0 0/0
Non-Battle 1/5 0/0
Admin 1/44 0/9
Total 2/49 0/9
- Joined. 10/287 4/38
- Discipline, Courts-Martial, Non-Judicial Punishments
- Discipline during the period covered was excellent as evidenced by the following information:
- Courts-Martial none
- Non-Judicial Punishment
(1) Battalion Commander 2
(2) Company Commander 9
- Morale, PX, Postal Affairs, Liberty, R&R.
Morale is excellent. The Battalion remained at the Phu Bai Combat Base with the job of providing the security for the vital area. Showers were not available throughout the month. Hot ‘A’ and ‘B’ rations were served, and the clubs maintained a supply of liquid refreshment. Liberty was not authorized during the period covered due to the tactical situation. R&R was not utilized due to the Battalion rotating to OKINAWA on 15 December. Postal facilities continue to be satisfactory with some delays due to flight cancellations during period of heavy rain.
- Chaplain’s Activities.
The Chaplain, Lt Stephen E. Almasy, of 1st Battalion 4th Marines, conducted a total of 26 masses during the month of December. The location, dependent on where the troops were, ranged from Phu Bai to Okinawa. The services covered not only for family of 1/4 but also 2nd Battalion 26th Marines, 2nd Battalion 9th Marines, and all units in the Camp Schwab area. Protestant coverage was provided by Chaplain Almasy making liaison with Protestant Chaplains of nearby units. Instructions and counseling continued throughout the month with members not only of 1/4 but also other who came seeking assistance, while at Phu Bai, the Chaplain gave out presents to men out in the field. The presents were received throughout the month of December through Operation Friendship.