Psychological Warfare – July 1967


Psychological Warfare

During the period of 1 July to 31 July, the Battalion Psychological Warfare effort consisted of leaflet drops in the Cumberland area of Operations.  The appeals mainly consisted of Chien Hoi and regards for enemy equipment, although there was one subsequent rallier in the Battalion area of operations.  The Battalion exploited this by going into a VC area and extracting the ralliers’ family.  To further exploit this, a PSYOP’S team was called in and pictures, tapes and a letter were obtained for informational material.  Other leaflet drops were made over the area trying to exploit more ralliers.

The Psychological Warfare Officer attended a PSYOP’S course and a PSYOP’S conference at 244th PSYOP’S Company and III MAF.  Future plans are to use an APT team in our area, also to exploit the rallier.