Training – May 1969



  1. General Military Subjects and MOS  training for the month of May for Squad, Platoon, and Company size units was increased slightly over previous months, primarily because the Battalion was dispersed in static positions on Landing Zones and Fire Support Bases throughout northwestern I Corps area.
  2. All replacements received comprehensive indoctrination briefings in accordance with the Battalion SOP for Replacement training.  Each replacement fired his T/O weapon for familiarization.
  3. Unit training.

Subject                                                                                               Hours              Attendance

First Aid, Field Sanitation and Hygiene                                        2 ½                              85

Map Reading                                                                                  15 ½                           109

Compass                                                                                         14                               114

Artillery FO Procedures                                                                    4                                 15

Defensive Positions                                                                          5                                 40

LAAW Firing Procedures                                                                 4                                 35

FAM Firing of Organic Weapons                                                  20                               209

50 Cal Machinegun                                                                           2                                   4

M-60 Nomenclature Care and Cleaning                                         4                                 30

Radio AN/PRC-25 Communications Procedure                           2                                 47

Quick Kill Point Shooting                                                                  5                                 50

River Crossing/Installation and Repelling                                       6                                 25

Scouting and Patrolling                                                                    1                                 20

60mm Mortar: Clearing a Misfire                                                    1                                 12

.45 cal. Pistol Care and Cleaning                                                   1                                 15

Wire:  Employment of Tangle Foot and Concertina                      2                                 15

81mm Mortar Gun Drill                                                                   60                                 15

Night Firing 81mm mortars                                                              7                                 28

Preventive Maintenance PRC-25 and PRC-41                             5                                 31

Communications Security                                                                3                                 40

  1. Officer and Staff Non-Commissioned Officers Training

Ground Surveillance Detection Devices                                        1                                  25

Instruction on the use of PRC-88 Radio                                         2                                  50

Identification of NVA Weapons

  1. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare training was negligible during the month of May due to the tactical situation.
  2. The following Division Inspections were held during the month of May:
  3. Supply                        1-3 May
  4. Motor Transport         21 May
  5. Embarkation              22 May
  6. EM Club                     22 May
  7. Ordnance                   12 May

This page last corrected 7 September 2011