Weather and Terrain – June 1965


Weather and Terrain 

290800H May 65 to 100800H June 1965: (Area West of Route One) 

The weather was partly cloudy with occasional scattered showers which sometimes lasted throughout the night.  A morning overcast at about 2,000 feet during the early morning hours causing poor visibility at the higher elevations.  Aerial observation was affected somewhat during this period.  Road traffic ability was considered good; off-road traffic ability for all wheeled vehicles was poor from Route One to the foothills and untrafficable further inland.  The heat slowed all movement of troops throughout the area, especially on the steeper slopes in the western reaches of the TAOR.  Thick undergrowth impaired visibility and movement by foot troops in most higher areas, requiring many helo troop movements.  The configuration of the terrain and undergrowth tended to channelize even troop movements in the mountains. 

100900H June 1965 to 300800H June 1965: (Peninsula Area) 

Weather was clear with occasional showers during this period.  The heat had some effect on movement of troops but to a lesser extent than the completely dry period.  Occasional thunderstorms had some effect on wheeled vehicle traffic ability in the peninsula area during and several hours after thunderstorms.  Vegetation had no effect on troop movements or observation in the peninsula area.