Membership Chairman’s Notes

10 thoughts on “Membership Chairman’s Notes”

  1. D 1/4 Landing at Chu Lai May of 1965 second tour Fox 2/3 July 1967 till Aug 1968. Met old tram leader SSgt Zug at PX in Da Nang. He was later KIA

  2. I was with Hq.Co.4thMarines Sept.67 to Oct.68. I was TAD to “C” 1/4 sometime late July to Sept. 68 on a hill overlooking abandoned KheSanh. I was a radio operator with air team at Camp Carroll, LZ Stud & Calu. This TAD assignment as it was only a few weeks, I don’t know if that qualifies me to be a member of your association.

    1. Not sure if my last message got through – yes, Glenn, you certainly can join our association. Under “membership” on the 1/4 website fill out the Web Site Muster, then under “Association Membership” fill out the battalion membership form and sent it to me at the address shown.

      Semper Fi, Kirk Hauser

  3. Glenn,

    Yes, you can become a member of our association. Under “Membership” of the 1/4 website fill out “Web Site Muster” and send it in. Also see “Association Membership”, print it out and fill it in, then send it to me at the address shown. Semper Fi, Kirk Hauser

  4. In February 2019 I received my LIFE MEMBER card for the
    1st Battalion 4th Marines Association. W. C. Reed

    Why is my name missing in the roster of Life Members?

      1. Hello There
        Thurman, Fred Marshall-Owen here inquiring why when I try and open Battalion personal profiles it’s a blank screen.
        Please advise

  5. I was with A-1-4 and H&S-1-4 from October 1956 through October 1958. I have a life time membership in the 1stBattalion, 4th Marine Association. While with A-1-4 I was mostly in 60mm Mortars as a gunner. Just before being transferred back to Camp Pendleton I had a MOS change to 3411 Disbursing NCO with H&S-1-4. I went on to spend many more years in the Marine Corps with other units.

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