All posts by marine_admin

Command – September 1965

Organizational Data

Reporting Organization

1st Battalion 4th Marines Regiment, 3d Marines Division (Rein) FMF

Period Covered

(010001H September – 302400H September 1965

Date of Submission

5 October 1965

Commanding Officer

Lt. Col. R. J. Perrich

Staff Assignments

                        Lt.            T. P. Burns                                      S-1

                        Lt.            R. C. Cormier                                  S-2

                          Maj            G. T. Beauchamp                           S-3

                      Lt.            J. M. Myatt                                      S-4

                                Lt.            C.G. Church                                     SupplyO

                         Lt.            G. M. MacPhee                                MTO

                                 Capt            T. P. Donnelly                                CommO

                                 Lt.            A. R.Prizzi (USNR, MC)                  Surgeon

                                Lt.            W.G. Moody (USNR, CMC)           Chaplain

Unit Commanders

                        Capt.            R. E. Theer                                      Company A

                         Capt.            R. B. Alexander                               Company B

                     Capt.            L. A. Crouch                                   Company C

                        Capt.            R. M. Sweeney                                Company D

            Capt.            P.A. LoPresti (22-30 Sept)              H

 Lt.            K. R. Valley (1-21 Sept)

Direct Support Units

                        Lt.            G.D. Rose                                       1st Plat, Co. C, 3d Tk Bn

                        Lt.            J.T. Mathews                                   1st Plat, Co. B, 3d AT Bn

                        Lt.            W.T. Old III                                     2d Plat, Co. A, 1st AmTrac Bn

Command Post Locations

Grid Coordinates (BT 525092)

Map: Viet Nam 1:50,000 AMS Series L701 Sheet 6757 III

After Action Report – 30-31 October 1965


After Action Situation Report  

  1. 1st Bn 4th Marines (-)(Rein) ISUM NR 177
  2. 300800H TO 310800H October 1965
  3. Summary of enemy activity for period:
  4. Ground activity – 

1.      Company A –  Squad searched MACS-2 trash dump vic (BT 52103) at 301045H for reported 10 VN in that area.  (See para 5).  No VN were found.  Fired hand illumination vic (BT 526113) at 31o345H and (BT 528111) at 310430H in response to suspected movement.  Negative results in both instances. 

2.      Company B –  Apprehended one VN male vic (BT 518082) at 301115H.  Man had no I.D. card.  Claimed to be a member of Regional Forces.  Did not have written permission to leave RF.  Sent to Chu Lai Collection Point at 301330H. 

Patrol observed one VN vic of causeway in An Tay (BT 518084) at 302025H.  The VN was attempting to start a fire with same brush.  The Marines extinguished the fire but the VN fled into a nearby house.  The house was surrounded by Marines.  SDC were called and two VN females were apprehended.  One woman, Dan Thi Minh and one girl, Le Thi Tuyen.  Dan Thi Minh claimed that she was attempting to burn night soil.  The young firl Le Thi Tuyan attempted to run from the Marines.  Bn S-2 and Liaison Officer conducted questioning.  Released to Hamlet Chief. 

3.      Company C (-) – No enemy contact.    

  1. Company D – Patrol found spider hole two feet in diameter by three  

                 feet deep vic (BT 480112) at 301045H.  Hole was destroyed.  Rocks  

                 thrown into positions vic (BT 487104).  One man observed in front of  

                 position.  Marines threw one grenade, negative results. 

                 Mr. Choung, Village Chief of Ky Xuan reports that two village officials  

                 Are missing.  They are;  Ngo-Cong Nu, Asst. Hamlet Chief 3rd Hamlet  

                 And Dan Sua, SCE Chief of 3rd Hamlet.  Reportedly they were  

                 Captured by VC on 300930H.  No confirmation of actual cause of  

                 Disappearance at reporting time. 

  1. FLSU reported 10 VN vic (BT 527103) at 300945H.  1st Bn notified.   

                Generally dressed in green uniforms and moving parallel to MSR.   

                See para 3.a.(1). 

  1. Other 
  2. Binh Son reports information they have received from interrogations  

                   indicates VC attacks against Chu Lai, Binh Son district and Quang  

                   Ngai during nights of 31 Oct – 1 Nov.  (S-2 Comment:  Nov 1st is the  

                   anniversary of the VN National Revolution.  Enemy activity during 

                   this period would have many implications.  An enemy victory would   

                   have exceptional propaganda value.  Be alert to all unusual activity  

                   during this period. 

2.      Quang Tin Province reports:  Nguyen Van Phoung captured 24 Oct  

65 on 1st Bn Sweep vic (BT 430145) claims to be a member of 1st Co, 51st Bn.  (G-2 Comment: 51st Bn may be AKA for 70th Bn) (S-2 Comment:  If true this could indicate Main force units or Cadre within 

1st Bn TAOR). 

3.      VC Tactics: 

  1. On 23 October 1965, an LVT detonated a mine composed of 25- 

                         35 lbs. of TNT.  It has been estimated the mine was activated by  

                         a pressure type firing device with a two second delay. 

b.      Perhaps the most significant aspects of the incident are that the  

Area had been swept approximately 2 ½  hours before and that tanks had passed through the area less than two hours prior to the incident. 

c.      All personnel of this command will be alerted to the possibility that  

VC, upon observing tracked vehicles operating in an area, plant explosive devices in the vehicle tracks in hopes of destroying the vehicles on the return trip.  In this regard, tracked vehicle operators should avoid retracing their original tracks on return runs.  Should this be unavoidable, due precautionary measures should be taken to detect possible VC mining of routes used.   

  1. Personnel and equipment losses.  

a.      None 

b.      One VCS 

c.      None 

  1. None
  2. None
  3. None
  4. None
  5. None
  6. Remains the same
  7. None                                                                                                                                                            
  8. None
  9. None