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Summary – January 1969

Narrative Summary

At the beginning of January, the 1st Battalion 4th Marines continued its mission of search and destroy while part of Operation SCOTLAND II.  In accordance with Operation Order #10-68, Co. A provided security for each of the following Fire Support Bases; Neville, Russell and Mack.  Companies B, C and D continued to search out the area surrounding Mui Tia Pong while Co. H&S (-) provided Battalion Command Post security at LZ Gazelle and conducted local security patrols.

On 1 January 1969, Patrols from Co. C found bunkers and mortar pits in the vicinity of Grid XD 859569 and after a thorough search unearthed 27-82mm mortar rounds and one can of fuses.  Later in the day at Grid XD 844556 another patrol from Co. C while searching out a cave complex found various medical supplies including streptomycin, penicillin, strychnine and iodine.

The afternoon of 2 January found a Co. C patrol engaged by an estimated enemy squad at Grid XD 853575.  Air and artillery were called in resulting in three secondary explosions.  Searching out the area after the strikes the patrol found one body severely burned and one AK-47 rifle.  The patrol suffered no casualties.

At 1000 on 4 January Co. D found two-armed chi-com mines at Grid XD 895536.  An hour later a patrol from Co. C set off a booby trapped mine resulting in one killed and one wounded.  At 1600 while searching out the area of the previous days fire fight, the same patrol found 4 NVA killed by M-79, M-60 and M-16’s.  Again, on 5 January a Co. C patrol discovered five bunkers with mutually supporting command detonated mines.  All the mines were booby trapped with pressure release devices.  Numerous trails were in the area, Grid XD 847573 and at least one of these was found to be mined.

Company C continued to search out this particular area and uncovered on 6 January an NVA Battalion Command Post site.  Four large (18’x10’x6’) storage bunkers were discovered and a total of 50 tons of rice was discovered.  Also 30 ammunition bunkers, containing 300-82mm increments, 13-82mm mortar propaganda rounds, 150 cans of arming devices, 25 RPG rounds, 240 RPG increments, 65 boxes of 12.7mm ammunition, 250 pounds of TNT and 30 booby trap devices.

Later the patrol found an additional 200 pounds of salt, a requisition form from enemy Battalions and a weighing scale.

At 1415 on 9 January the Alpha Command Group began the helo-lift to Hill 715 North (LZ Cougar) and established the Battalion Command Post.  Company D was lifted into the same LZ and commenced movement in a northerly direction.  H&S (-) established CP security.  Co. B at Grid XD 841584 found a bunker complex containing the following munitions, 3-82mm mortar rounds, 1 RPG-7 round, 13-60mm mortar rounds, 100 pounds of rice and assorted small arms ammunition.  At 2114 Co. D at Grid XD 850595 had one man trip a booby trapped NVA claymore mine.  Result, one friendly KIA.

The Line Companies continued extensive patrolling activities in the general vicinity of Bong Long and uncovered several more important caches.  On 10 January Co. B at Grid XD 837586 found 36-82mm recoilless rifle rounds with Russian markings, 51-82mm mortar rounds with fuses and increments.

In order to increase the strength of the defenses at the Fire Support Bases a Provisional Platoon from H&S/1/4 at Vandegrift Combat Base was lifted to FSB Neville and chopped OPCON to Co. A/1/4.  Also, FSB Mack was closed, and that unit was sent to FSB Russell to bolster that position.  Upon arrival of these units, Co. A conducted extensive long-range patrolling from FSB Russell and FSB Neville, besides providing security for the artillery units located thereon.

At 1342 On 10 January, Co. B at Grid XD 835587 found 6-60mm mortar rounds, 150 pounds of polished rice, this and the previous gear was lifted to the Battalion CP area and evacuated to Vandegrift Combat Base.

On 11 January, both caches Co. C and Co. B were lifted to VCB allowing both Companies to continue their mission of search and destroy.  Also Co. D at Grid XD 837594 made contact with an estimated NVA platoon, they returned small arms fire and called in 81mm mortars and artillery.  Results were three friendly WIA.

The following day, Co. D found a bunker complex of 30 units.  Searching the area they found assorted medical gear, 150 pounds of rice, 42-82mm mortar rounds, assorted 782 gear and equipment.  The patrol destroyed all positions and gear.

On the 13th at 0800, the Bravo Command Group was activated and awaited lift to LZ Russell.  Co. C was helo-lifted to Hill 477, LZ Catapult as the movement remained generally oriented to the North and West.  As the first helicopter set down, it exploded a trip wire type booby trap.

The ‘bird’ was damaged and unable to fly.  The crew was evacuated and one helo team from Co. C commenced to clear the LZ of more mines.  The rest of the lift was completed, and a helo-recovery team arrived to prepare the downed ‘bird’ for extraction.

Searching the area of Grid XD 829602, Co. D found assorted 782 gear and clothing of approximately four people.  The clothes were blood stained and showed signs of profuse bleeding.  Later at 1725, Co. D found three fresh graves and three bodies.  All had died from shrapnel wounds.  One body was carefully wrapped, marked and buried, perhaps indicating an officer.  These deaths were directly related to D Co. contact on 11 January.

As Co. C patrol left the lines on 14 January, the point man set off a D1-10 directional mine.  Further down the trail were more mines placed to cover the width and length of the trail.  Two friendlies were wounded as a result of the explosion.  Later a D Co. patrol at Grid XD 830805 found 40-82mm mortar rounds, 7 cans of increments and six fuses.  Nearby the same patrol uncovered 16 bunkers, one Chinese claymore mine, 2-1-pound blocks of TNT and 1 Chi-com grenade.  The patrol destroyed all gear and emplacements and continued the search of the area.  The Bravo Command Group arrived at FSB Russell at 1400H.

At 1500 on the 14th of January 1/4 assumed OPCON of Co. Kilo/3/4 at Khe Gia Bridge and Co. Fox/2/9 at TSL (Elliott Combat Base).

A Company C patrol made contact at 1530 and were pinned down by heavy automatic weapons fire.  Patrol called in 60mm, 81mm and artillery and Huey gunships.  The patrol had 1 KIA.

At 1715, 1/4 assumed OPCON of 2nd Plt Co. A/1/9 (Sparrow Hawk) whose mission was to guard a downed Ch-46 at Grid XD 982553.  The following day, 15 January 1/4 dropped OPCON to 3rd Mar Div of Alpha-2/1/9, and Co. Kilo/2/9 were dropped OPCON to Task Force Hotel.

On the 17th of the month a Co. D patrol at Grid XD 833626 found a cave complex.  Searching the area the patrol discovered 500 pounds of rice, 13 cans of 82mm mortar shotgun shell propellant, 72-82mm mortar fuses and assorted medical gear.

Alpha Command Group once more moved on the 18th to LZ Catapult and established the Bn CP at 1530.  H&S (-) again provided perimeter defense.  The next day an H&S patrol at Grid XD 825616 found a 105 shell and 256 M-564 fuses which was all U.S. gear.  It was evacuated to VCB.

A Co. D patrol at Grid XD 809641 on the 20th found 18 boxes of .50 cal ammo, 782 gear and fighting holes.  Co. H&S had a patrol uncover 40 A-frame bunkers (4’x8’x5’) and 600 pounds of rice, 100 pounds of salt, detonating cord and 10 blasting caps.

On 21 January at 1200 Co. B commenced heli-lift to VCB, following in succession were Co. B, Co. C and the Command Group with Co. H&S (-).  The Bn CP was established at VCB at 1630.

At the conclusion of the 25-day operation, 1/4 had uncovered 51 tons of rice, 355 pounds of salt, 14,560 rounds of small arms ammo, 2,375 rounds of mortar, recoilless rifle and rocket ammo and 48 AP mines.  Elements of 1/4 destroyed 340 bunkers and had killed 25 NVA.

On 22 January 1/4 assumed responsibility for perimeter defense at Vandegrift Combat Base, Ca Lu, FSB Cates, Hill 691, Hill 950 along with maintaining FSB Russell and Neville.  To accomplish this mission 1/4 assumed OPCON of Co. B, Co. C, Co. D 2nd Plt 1/9.  The responsibility of Reaction Platoon/Company went to Company D/1/4.  (Ref: 221200H).

On the 23rd at 0800 a Provisional Platoon from H&S Co at Vandegrift Combat Base and assumed control of Signal Hill defenses and dropped OPCON of 2nd Plt. D/1/9.  1/4 assumed OPCON of Co. Fox/2/4 and dropped OPCON of 1st Plt Co. C/1/4 to III MAF for duty as Security Platoon for the Commanding General III MAF.  Co. D 2nd Plt was committed as Reaction Platoon and chopped OPCON to 2/4.  1st Plt Co. Bravo/1/4 assumed duties as Reaction Platoon.

On the 24th Co. F dropped OPCON to 2/4.  The following day 1/4 assumed OPCON of Co. Delta/1/9.  Co. B (-) lifted to FSB Fuller, Co. C 2nd Plt 1/4 assumed defense of the Khe Gia Bridge.  Co. G/2/4 dropped OPCON to 1/4.  1st Plt Co. B (Sparrow Hawk) inserted as Reaction Force at Grid XD 850648 and Recon Team #69 dropped OPCON to 1/4.  On 27 January Co. Lima/3/4 chopped OPCON to 1/4  and proceeded to TSL (Elliott Combat Base) Co. G/2/4 was relieved at TSL and were trucked to Vandegrift Combat Base to assume Sparrow Hawk/Bald Eagle Reaction Platoon/Company.

On the 28th of January 1/4 dropped OPCON of Co. L/3/4, 2nd Platoon Co. C/1/9, Co. B/1/9, to 3/4.  Co. B 1st Plt 1/4 Sparrow Hawk was extracted from LZ Catapult to Vandegrift Combat Base.

On 29 January Co. G 2nd Plt 2/4 Sparrow Hawk was inserted at Grid YD 082733 and dropped OPCON to 2/4.  On 30 January, 9 Bru Chieu Hoi’s came into Ca Lu and were detained for an ITT Team from 4th Marines.  Company G (-) 2/4 were transported from Vandegrift Combat Base to Con Thien by vehicle and dropped OPCON to 2/4.  1st Platoon Co. B/1/4 relieved 2nd Platoon Co. C at Khe Gia Bridge.  Co. D/1/4 placed on Reaction Platoon/Company (Sparrow Hawk/Bald Eagle).

On 31 January Co. K/3/4 arrived at Vandegrift Combat Base and chopped OPCON to 1/4.  At the end of the month of January 1/4 maintained security for Vandegrift Combat Base, Ca Lu, Elliott Combat Base, Khe Gia Bridge, Signal Hill, FSB Russell, FSB Neville and FSB Fuller with an AO of over 1 billion square meters and at one time having Operational Control of 10 companies in order to accomplish its mission.

This page last corrected 5 September 2011