All posts by marine_admin

Personnel/Administration – August 1966



  1. Summary. The Battalion spent the first half of the month operating from the Phu Bai Enclave in defense of the Vital Area.  On 13 August the Battalion held a county Fair Operation in Gia Lo, North of the Vital Area.  On the 16th of August, the Battalion moved up to Dong Ha for Operation Prairie, leaving an administrative rear in the Phu Bai Combat Base.
  2. Significant Events.

13 August      The Battalion conducted a County Fair Operation North of the Phu Bai Combat Base in the village of Gia Lo.

16 August      The Battalion moved to Dong Ha, to participate in Operation Prairie with 2nd Battalion 4th Marines.

16 August      Operational Control of Company C was relinquished to 2nd Battalion 9th Marines who relieved 1st Battalion 4th Marines of the responsibility of the defense of the Vital Area.

23 August       In conjunction with Operation Prairie the Battalion Command Group with Company A (rein) conducted a combined Tank/infantry reconnaissance in force of the area north of Dong Ha to Con Thien.

30 August       The Battalion moved to the field to conduct a reconnaissance in force in the area west of Cam Lo.

  1. Problem Areas/New Developments.
  2. The continued shortage of Officers still exists.  The problem is not as critical as it has been in the past; however, sixteen are yet needed to bring us up to T/O.
  3. After the Battalion left for Operation Prairie, the Administrative Rear moved into tropical huts in the proposed Battalion area in the Phu Bai Enclave.
  4. Personnel.
  5. Monthly strength (average chargeable)
  6. USMC – Officers 30, Enlisted 909
  7.  USN – Officers 2, Enlisted 51
  8. Losses USMC            USN

                                    Off/Enl            Off/Enl

            Battle               1/34                0/1

            Non-battle    0/10                0/0

            Admin              4/71                2/0

            Total                 1/115              2/1

  1. Joined 1/81               1/13
  2. Personnel Weekly Summary.
  3.   Monthly Personnel Report
  4.   Directives
  5. Discipline: Courts-Marital, Non-Judicial Punishments
  6. Discipline was outstanding throughout the period, as evidenced by the following information:
  7. Courts-Martial

(1)         Pending:

(a)               Summary             none

(b)               Special                  none

(2)         Completed:

(a)               Summary             none

(b)               Special                  none

  1. Non-Judicial Punishment

(1)         Battalion Commander            2

(2)         Company Commander           2

  1. Morale, PX, Postal Affairs, Liberty, R&R.

Morale is excellent.  The Battalion’s deployment in the field for Operation Prairie, and the highly successful contacts with the enemy have helped to keep the morale at its present high state. The first part of the month was spent in the relative comfort of the Phu Bai Combat Base; hot A and B rations were served, showers were available three times daily, the clubs maintained a good supply of liquid refreshment, and movies were available to all hands.  While in the vicinity of the Dong Ha Combat Base, the same facilities were available to all while in both the Phu Bai and Dong Ha Combat Bases. While in the field, ample sundry items were distributed to all.  R&R quotas were again high this month and were available to the Battalion up to the 27th when, because of field operations, they were cancelled.

  1. Chaplains Activities.

With the arrival of 1st Battalion 4th Marines at the Dong Ha area, the activities of Chaplain Stephen Almasy were oriented to the needs of the area.  Although the Battalion left the area, it was the wish of the Command that the Chaplain remain back for duty with the BAS.  During this time services were provided for the surrounding area’s troops; usually the schedule for Sunday ran as follows:

                                                0900 – Air Force

                                                1000 – 4th Marine Cantonment

                                                1100 – MAG 16

                                                1400 – Cam Lo Area

This page last updated 19 August 2011

Operational Plan #3 – January 1966


14 January 1966

Operation Plan 003-66 (Operation QUICK STEP)

Ref:     (a)       Map:  Viet Nam, 1:50,000 AMS L701 Series, Sheets 6757 III, 6757 IV

Time Zone:     H

Task Organization.

1st Battalion (-) (rein)                                                 LtCol   Sullivan

            H&S Co (-)

Company A (-) (rein)                                                   Lt.        Clancy

            Company A (-) (rein)

            Det, H Btry, 3/12


Company D (-) (rein)                                                    Capt.   Lo Presti

            Company D (-)

            Plat (rein), Company A

            Det, H Btry, 3/12


Battalion Reserve                                                            Capt    Alexander

            Plat (rein), Company B

            Det, H Btry, 3/12

  1. Situation.
  2. Enemy Forces.  Current Intelligence indicates a Guerrilla Company armed with a minimum of one 60mm mortar located on Hoa Xuan Island (BT 4315).
  3. Friendly Forces.

(1)               4th Marines continue its assigned mission.

(2)               Battalion Artillery Group provides long-range artillery support.

(3)               FMAW provides CAS and helicopter support as requested.

(4)               Co A, 1st AmTrac Battalion provides LVT support as requested.

(5)               Co B, 3rd Engineer Battalion provides demolition teams as requested.

  1. Attachments and Detachments.  All attachments effective L minus 3 hours on D-day.
  2. Assumptions.  That requested aircraft support will be made available.
  3. Mission.  1st Bn (-) (rein) lands at L-hour and H-hour on D-day and conducts search and destroy operations to locate and destroy/capture the VC, and his supporting arms.
  4. Execution.
  5. Concept of operation.  The 1st Battalion (-) (rein) lands two companies (-) (rein) at L-hour in landing zones MERCURY and MARS and conducts search and clear operations along designated axis of advance to seek out and destroy the VC, his arms and equipment.  One platoon (rein) lands by LVT over ORANGE Beach and establishes blocking positions.
  6. Company A (-) (rein).

(1)               At L-hour on D-day land in LZ MARS and establish a blocking position around the LZ.

(2)               On order move through the Dong Thanh (2) and Phu Vinh Hamlet complex conducting search and destroy operations to PL MOON.

(3)               Upon reaching PL MOON, and on order continue search and destroy operations along the southwest tip of the island to the limit of advance, PL STAR.

(4)               Prepare to retract on order by LVT from checkpoint ROMEO.

  1. Company D (-) (rein).

(1)               At L-hour on D-day land in LZ MERCURY and establish a blocking position around the LZ.

(2)               On order move through the Hoa Xuan (1) Hamlet complex conducting search and destroy operations to PL MOON.

(3)               Upon link up with the Company B platoon, assume OpCon that unit

(4)               Upon reaching PL MOON, and on order, continue the search operation along the southeast tip of the island to PL SUN.

(5)               On order continue along axis of advance to the limit of advance PL STAR.

(6)               Prepare to retract on order by LVT, from checkpoint ROMEO.

  1. Platoon, Company B (rein).

(1)               At H-hour on D-day land by LVT on beach ORANGE (BT 440160).

(2)               Proceed to vicinity Hill 10 (BT 436157) and establish blocking positions from (BT 436161) to (BT 437155).

(3)               Upon link up with Company D at PL MOON become OpCon to that company.

  1. Battalion Reserve.

(1)               Company B (-).  Designate one platoon as the Battalion Reserve during the operation; maintain a readiness posture of ½ hour on Hill 12 (OP 52) (BT 477144).

  1. Coordinating Instructions.

(1)               D-day:  To be announced.

(2)               H-hour:  0700H.

(3)               L-hour:  0700H.

(4)               Annex A (Operation Overlay).

(5)               Rules of engagement.  No change.

(6)               Prevent unnecessary destruction to public and private property.

(7)               Treat captives humanely.

(8)               Companies will distribute PsyWar leaflets along the axis of advance.

(9)               MedCAP treatment as applicable.

  1. Administration and Logistics.
  2. Administrative Order 222-65.
  3. Logistics.

(1)               Body armor (upper) worn by all hands.

(2)               All personnel carry one MCI and two canteens of water.

(3)               All personnel carry one unit of fire.

(4)               All VC/VCS moved with companies.

(5)               Med Evac requests indicate urgency: Emergency, priority or routine, plus LZ location, LZ marking and whether or not a doctor is required on the scene.  Additionally, insure LZ is secure within capabilities.

  1. Command and Communications/Electronics.
  2. Operation Order 222-65.
  3. Communications Officer provide AN/PRC-25’s if available.
  4. SitReps every hour after H/L-hour.
  5. The Battalion Command Group moves in trace of Company D.
  6. Maximum air panels will be carried by each unit.