All posts by marine_admin

Medical/Dental – June 1966


Medical/Dental Affairs

  1. The total number of patients treated at the Battalion Aid Station during the month of June was 665.  Of these 28 were referred to Company A, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Marines Division for further treatment, and 10 were admitted there for further treatment.  There were 32 admissions to the Battalion Aid Station during the month.  Dental Referrals numbered 68.
  2. Prevalent and significant diseases encountered during the month were:

(a)  Bronchitis   4

(b)  Diarrhea   53

(c)   Respiratory infection, acute       12

(d)  Gastroenteritis      66

(e)  Gonorrhea      2*

(f)     Malaria    4

  1. Emergency situations encountered this month were as follows:

(a)            PFC R.R. Fierova, 2142408 was brought to the BAS on 8 June 1966.  He had suffered a gunshot wound of the left leg.  The wound was debrided, and he was admitted to the     BAS ward for further treatment.

  1. There were approximately 4,700 inoculations administered during the month.  In accordance with current instructions tuberculosis screening test vaccines have been placed on order and will be administered when they are received.
  2. Vietnamese civilian medical treatments in the CAC villages totaled 3,376 for the month.  One new village (11) was opened, and one Hospital Corpsman was assigned to administer the medical needs of the village.
  3. An electric refrigerator was requisitioned through Division Medical Supply, but the request was disapproved by the Division Surgeon’s Office.  Fuel operated refrigerator is still on order with Battalion Supply.  Biologicals are currently being kept in the Regimental Mess Hall refrigerators, but this has caused considerable inconvenience in that the packaging has rapidly deteriorated.

* 1 case contacted on R&R Okinawa and 1 case contacted locally.

This page last updated 24 August 2011

60 mm Mortar – March 1966


30 December 1965


From:       Commanding Officer

To:            Distribution List

Subj:         60mm Mortar Training

Ref:     (a)       FM 23-85

(b)              BnO 3591.7D

  1. Purpose.  To promulgate instructions for additional training with the 60mm Mortar, M-19.
  2. Background.  With the reintroduction of the 60mm Mortar to the Marine Corps weapons family, immediate on-the-job training was conducted to familiarize Marines with the characteristics, procedures, and tactical employment of the mortar.  This training consisted primarily of lectures and demonstrations; practical application was limited because of low availability of ammunition.
  3. General.  Recent availability, in limited quantities, of M50A2 practice ammunition now permits resumption of practical application in the form of live firing exercises.
  4. Action.
  5. Company Commanders:

(1)               Conduct intensified training to ensure tactical proficiency, on a continuing basis, with the Mortar, 60mm M-19, using reference (a) as the basic text.

(2)               Conduct maximum live firing exercises contingent upon availability of M50A2 practice ammunition.

(3)               Request use of the direct fire range for firing exercises in accordance with reference (b).

  1. Battalion S-4 Officer make available a maximum of forty rounds of M50A2 practice ammunition to each rifle company for firing exercises.
  2. Self-cancellation.  1 June 1966.

This page last corrected 18 September 2011


Air Support – February 1966


Fire Support Coordination,

Naval Gunfire

  1. Artillery.

1                   Significant Events.  In order to support the operations of this Battalion, Battery G, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines displaced to a forward position at (BT 486072), as Battery H, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines was on an extended operation.  Two tubes of Battery H remained at Battery G, rear position.

2                   Statistical Summary.

(a)               Number of missions fired in support:  997

(b)               Types of Missions.

(1)   Unobserved missions.

(a)   H&I fires 813

(2)   Observed missions.

(a)   Targets of opportunity – 142

(b)   Registrations – 17

(c)   Prep fires – 1

(d)   Fires for effect – 19

(e)   Defensive concentrations – 5

(3)   Rounds Expenditures.

(a)   105 Howitzer 5332

(b)   107 Howitzer 311

(c)   155 Howitzer 356

(d)   155 Guns 12

(e)   8” Howitzer 4

  1. Naval Gunfire.  None.

This page last updated 21 August 2011